Brian Carn REVEALS Witchcraft Pastor Reality Tea And Celebrity Pastors Joshua Jesus Holmes Girls Vid


Hood's Entertainment News on Black Celebrity Pastors, Prophetic People & Queen Of False Prophets. Hood Evangelist has the Hood's Exclusives on Black Celebrity Pastors, Queen Of False Prophets, Pastors Reality tea and Prophetic People. Get the hottest celebrity gossip, entertainment news, scandals, engagements, trending hot topics & much more on hood-

Where do I begin? Well, like so many; I was deceived by this false prophet, and felt so ashamed and embarrassed that I was blinded, but God started to deal with me three or two weeks prior to Brian Carn being exposed.

Let me remind you what has been exposed about this Witch Prophet...

Brian Carn’s supposed 2014 NYE prophecy for the Year 2015 is the EXACT same as this psychic Cheryl Lynn who gave a reading for the year 2015 back in February 2014. Word from word he reads from a sheet of paper the EXACT predictions that the psychic Cheryl Lynn previously said from her YouTube video which was recorded in February. What more can we say from this? The truth is in the pudding Brian! This goes to show that we must study and know the Word for ourselves and STOP following man because man will fail every time. 

So, now that Brian has been exposed as a lie and that he dips in divination, can we question and make assumptions that the individuals that he follows and look up to like: Kim Daniels, Jamal Bryant, Benny Hinn, and even his own mother; Andrea Carn are all Witches too? The answer is YES! We should assume that they do the same thing that this false Prophet does.

I sincerely believe that this is just one of the many scandals that will soon expose more about this Witch of a Prophet, Brian Carn. What do you secretively have with your " so-called best friends"  Tyquan Sparks, Frank Ray III, and Jonathan Ferguson, Brian? Think about it people--could Brian be exposed of being in a  homosexual relationship with these men?  

Look Brian, you left no choice for the people to second guess everything you had every said, done, and still doing, ONLY as a lie and a cover up.

Hood Evangelist teaches the gospel of Christ, Uncovers Hidden truth And Sharp rebuke False Prophets, False Teachers, False Pastors And Prophets of God. What causing a pastor, evangelist or Bible teacher to become false and get exposed for their sin. Hood Evangelist makes a Christian video on false prophets and false preachers. Please watch her videos as she shares some advice, for People who Commonly say God showed Me or God Told Me.

The bible declares from Proverbs 27:6 that a Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.  an open rebuke is better than love that is concealed. Prophet Brian Carn Rebuked  and advice from Hood Evangelist. Celebrity Prophet Brian Carn betrays Hood Evangelist with the spirit of perversion and deception in the church. Hood Evangelist gives us the inside scoop on her relationship with Prophet Brian Carn and discuss church secrets


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